

来源:青岛朗阁雅思培训学校 时间:2017/8/4 9:54:52

摘要: 承接上节内容,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师将为大家解析三道雅思真题。

雅思口语Part3部分,很多考生都会把“二选一”的题做一个double thinking,这样并不是不好,但是朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师并不建议大家这样做,因为这样的回答需要深思熟虑才能使答案有深度,但雅思口语考试在时间并没有给大家深思熟虑的机会,因此,朗阁海外考试研究中心的老师建议大家使用一面倒进行回答,即指出偏好,回答问题:

Q: Which do you think is better, advice from family members or advice from friends?

A: I think that advice from family members is better than that from friends. It is mainly due to the fact that when we desperate to get advice from others, we usually are involved in some big events like choosing a major or selecting future career. As family members, especially parents, have more experience in such aspects, they can aid us to have more comprehensive consideration and to do better choice.


同样,第二个问题Do people like reading books in the native language or a foreign language?中,有考生会以另一种中立方式:some people… some people… 这样的形式进行回答:

Some people like reading books in native languages because those books are easy to be understood. Some people prefer to read books in a foreign language. They regard it as a way of learning a second language.

这样的回答是老师也是不推荐的。雅思口语更喜欢使用者运用多样的语言表达相似的内容,而不是中式排比。使用some people… some people… 缺乏了语言的多样性,使整个答案听上去很死板。还是建议大家使用一边倒的形式,增强句型多样性:

Q: Do people like reading books in the native language or a foreign language?

A: I suppose that most of people like reading books in the native language. When people reading books, they will ether consider for academic use or for relaxation. For the academic use, they are supposed to learn something new as soon as possible while for entertainment, they tend to enjoy the picture and easily understand the words besides it. The native language makes the books easy to be read and that is why the majority of people like reading books in their mother tongue.



对于问题三Do you prefer to live in the city or countryside?这样的偏好类问题,相信很多考生都不会再想着两个地方都喜欢住这样的回答了。可以直接回答问题,你是更偏爱住在什么地方。

Q: Do you prefer to live in the city or countryside?

A: I prefer to live in the city. The most important reason is that it is very convenient as it has easy access to the public transport. Also, the downtown area is full of all kinds of shopping malls and other places for entertainment. Life can be more colorful if I choose to live in the city. So that is why I would like to live in the city.



青岛朗阁培训中心网址: http://www.mxiao.cn/682/

青岛朗阁培训中心课程咨询热线:400-0011-674 在线QQ王老师:1287469714 






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